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The Talk of the Town
by Ginny Redington & Tom Dawes

Bank Street Theatre,
November - December, 2004

Oak Room of the Algonquin Hotel,
May, 2005 - August 2006

Both productions were directed by Dan Wackerman

Cast (alphabetically by actor name):
Jeffrey Biering as George S. Kaufman
Nicholas Belton as Harold Ross (Bank Street)
Jared Bradshaw as
Robert Benchley (Oak Room)
Donna Coney Island as Edna Ferber
Kellie Drinkhahn as Neysa McMein (Bank Street)
Aaron Kaburick as Marc Connelly (Bank Street)
Adam MacDonald as Robert Sherwood (Oak Room)
Kristin Caroline McMahon as Dorothy Parker (Bank Street)
Kristin Maloney as Dorothy Parker (Oak Room)
Rob Seitelman as Alexander Woollcott
Matthew Tweardy as Robert Sherwood (Bank Street)
Chris Weikel as Robert Benchley
Stephen Wilde as Marc Connelly (Oak Room)

Musical Director:
Mark Janas

Mercedes Ellington

Scenic: Chris Jones
Lighting: Chris Jones
Costume: Amy C. Bradshaw



The Brad Simon Organization
Email [email protected]
or call 212.730.2132


Tom Dawes and Ginny Redington, creators of Talk of the Town.

Clockwise from sitting position: Rob Seitelman as Alexander Woollcott,  Chris Weikel as Robert Benchley,
and Caroline McMahon as Dorothy Parker (Bank Street production)

Donna Coney Island as Edna Ferber and Matthew Tweardy as Robert Sherwood (Bank Street production) 

Clockwise from standing position: Donna Coney Island as Edna Ferber, Kristin Caroline McMahon as Dorothy Parker,
Rob Seitelman as Alexander Woollcott, Chris Weikel as Robert Benchley, Nicholas Belton as Harold Ross
On floor: Matthew Tweardy as Robert Sherwood (Bank Street production)

Left to right: Jeffrey Biering as George S. Kaufman and Aaron Kaburick as Marc Connelly (Bank Street production)

Left to right: Caroline McMahon as Dorothy Parker, Kellie Drinkhahn as Neysa McMein, Jeffrey Biering as George S. Kaufman,
Matthew Tweardy as Robert Sherwood, Rob Seitelman as Alexander Woollcott, Donna Coney Island as Edna Ferber,
Aaron Kaburick as Marc Connelly, Chris Weikel as Robert Benchley, Nicholas Belton as Harold Ross (Bank Street production)

Scenic Design by Chris Jones and Lighting Design by Dana Sterling (Bank Street production)

Clockwise from seated position: Rob Seitelman as Alexander Woollcott, Jared Bradshaw as Robert Benchley,
and Kristin Maloney as Dorothy Parker (Oak Room production)

Standing: Rob Seitelman as Alexander Woollcott (Oak Room production)

Kristin Maloney as Dorothy Parker (Oak Room production)

Left to right: Rob Seitelman as Alexander Woollcott, Donna Coney Island as Edna Ferber, Adam MacDonald as Robert Sherwood,
Stephen Wilde as Marc Connelly, Jeffrey Biering as George S. Kaufman (Oak Room production)

The Talk of the Town in the Oak Room of the Algonquin Hotel, NYC

Left to right: Stephen Wilde as Marc Connelly, Jeffrey Biering as George S. Kaufman, Donna Coney Island as Edna Ferber,
Rob Seitelman as Alexander Woollcott,
 Chris Weikel as Robert Benchley, Kristin Maloney as Dorothy Parker,
Adam MacDonald as Robert Sherwood (Oak Room production)